Hatice Ozcan
May 22, 2024
The Revenue Administration updated the e-Archive Technical Guide with the announcement published on ebelge.gib.gov.tr on May 22, 2024. In this context;
The “Signature Time” field has been made mandatory in the e- Archive Reports of e-Archive Invoice, e-Self-Employment Receipt, e-Producer Receipt, and e-Admission applications.
The "Tax Rate" field in the e-Archive Reports of e-Archive Invoice, e-Self-Employment Receipt and e-Producer Receipt applications field has been made mandatory.
The “Shipment Information” field has been made mandatory in the e-Archive Reports of the e-Archive Invoice application.
The “Signature Time” field has been made mandatory in the e-Archive Reports of the e-Insurance Commission Expense Certificate application.
Updates will be commissioned as of 01.07.2024.